Guruji (Avadhuta Swami Samarpanananda Saraswati Maharajji ) is a Enlightened Advait
Master , Mystic (on Occult ,Kundalini and Tantric) Traditional Siddha Kriya Yoga Guru, Author, wandering Hindu Monk around the World , humanitarian, International Peace Leader and a Spiritual Leader.
He is the Founder, Director and Chief Patron of The International Samarpan Yoga Awareness Foundation (ISYAF), Swami Samarpan Ashram, Samarpan School of Yoga & Tantra , Samarpan School of Ayurveda, Sri Swami Samarpan Shivananda Homeopathic Charitable Hospital and Samarpan Yoga Publications.
Traditional Ascetic Yoga Guru (Master), he guides programs on Yoga, Advait Vedanta, Sanatan Vedic Dharma, Kundalini Tantra Mystic Science and Babaji Kriya Yoga.
Mystic, Yogi, Avadhuta, in his personal Sadhana, he is presently engaged in deep metaphysical Study , Sri Vidya , Dasha Mahavidyas, Panchagni Vidya (Five Fire), which is a practice of advance transmigration wisdom of an ancient Shakti Tantra, a Saiva Agama Tantric Metaphysical Avadhuta Sadhana (Which is beyond Vedic and Sanyasa Traditions ).
Author, he published 3 books to this day ( Authentic Yoga, Authentic Pranayama Yoga, Samarpan Yoga) and is writing his forth on “Samadhi Yoga”, expected publications soon.
Spiritual Leader …, he attends and guides National and International Peace conference.
Early years and training
Born in Odisha in a small village, he joined the Gurukul life at Shivananda Ashram at a young age after graduating in Science (Botany) in Utkal University, Odisha State in 1989. There he received Mantra Diksha from His Holiness Swami Chidananda Saraswatiji Maharaj and completed the 15th Yoga-Vedanta Forest Academy (YVFA) course in the year 1990 , on the philosophy & psychology of Yoga & Vedanta at Shivananda Ashram , Rishikesh, Uttarakhand State
In 1992, he was appointed Acharya (Yoga Guru) of YVFA by His Holiness Swami Krishananda Saraswati ji Maharaj ( General Secretaty) at the Headquarters of Shivananda Ashram, in Rishikesh.
He took Brahmacharya Diksha and completed the one-year Sanyasa Training course in the year 1991, under the guidance of his Guruji Swami Niranjanananda Saraswatiji Maharaj and by the grace of his grand Master His Holiness Swami Satyananda Saraswatiji Maharaj and later was initiated into Sanyasa on November 8th, 1993.
Guru Avadhutaji in 2022, 5th May on Sankaracharya Jayanti performed Traditional Viraja Homam (Vedic Sanyasa Vidhis) under guidance of His Holiness Swami Tirth Maharajji at Hari Hara Kailash Jnana Peetham, Rishikesh.
In 1994 with the blessings of his Guruji, he went to study in a traditional monastery, the Holy Kailash Ashram in Rishikesh.Until 1998, he maintained Gurukul discipline and ascetic lifestyle while studying classical Indian philosophy ( Six – Darshan) on Vedic Sanatan Dharma Culture in the order of Adi Guru Sankaracharya in Advaita Vedanta, a lineage which dates 800 A.D..
Spiritual Initiations
In 1993, he visited Mata Amritanandamayi Ashram, Kerala State , and received the blessings of Divine Mother Amma Amritanandamayiji
In 2000, he received Kalachakra Tantra Initiation from H.H. Dalai Lama in 2000 in Spiti Valley, Himanchal Pradesh State Himalayas.
In 2001, he received Kriya Yoga Diksha in the lineage of Babaji/Lahiriji Mahasaya, Varanashi, Uttarapradesh State.
In 1998 and 2014, he has completed course the Thai Advance Massage treatments in the subject of Thai traditional herbs and Thai Massage at Chiangmai, Shivagokomapaj Old Thai Massage Hospital, Thailand.
In 2008-2009, Guruji completed a one-year Meditation Diploma Course on Buddhist and Yogic (Vijnana Bhairav Tantra and Advait Vedanta) perspectives of Meditation in Mandala Yoga Ashram, Wales, the UK under the guidance of Swami Nischlananda Saraswatiji Maharaj.
In 1991 he received Sri Vidya Sadhana and later he got final secrets of Sri Vidya Diksha Sadhana by the grace of Parashakti Kamakhya Maa and Lord Shiva Bhairav. Sri Vidya Guruji His Holiness Swami Aditya Tirthji Maharaj in the order of Sankaracharya Dandi Swami Sanysasin appears infront him as a form of Parashakti in Kamakhya Maa and gave to Guru Avadhutaji final and secrets of Sri Vidya Sodhasi Diksha as per Vedic Tantric Tradition.
International Spiritual Tours
Since 1998 to 2024, Guruji has been travelling overseas to propagate the traditional wisdom of Yoga, Vedanta, Saiva Agama Tantra and to offer Sanyasa Diksha , Mantra , Spiritual Name (Spiritual Initiation On Vedic ,Tantric and Kriya Yoga ) to sincere spiritual seekers and aspirants.
To this day, Guru Avadhutaji has toured to over 49 countries in Europe, America and Asia . Such as :Mexico, Cyprus, Turkey, Austria, Italy, San-Marino ,Scotland, Wales, Germany, Serbia (Belgrade), The Netherlands, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, France, Spain, Greece, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Monaco, the Vatican, Latin America (Ecuador), Russian Federation (Moscow, Ufa, Sochi, Siberia, St Petersburg) and Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Burma (Myanmar), Israel , Palestine(Bethelhalm), Iran, Nepal, China -Tibet, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Portugal, Finland, the United States of America , Canada, and the United Nations (UN), New York..
Swami Samarpan Ashram and Organisations
In 2002, after visiting his Guruji and his Grand Master in Shivananda Ashram in Rishikesh, he had the vision to settle down in Rishikesh and to establish Swami Samarpan Ashram. The ashram has grown to become the headquarters of his many activities and organisations.
The Ashram is situated in a serene location with vegetation and mountain views, it is next to a small river which joins with the Mother Ganges 2 km below in the famous town of Rishikesh, foot hill of the Himalayas.
Although he is greatly indebted to his Guru and many Acharya. His work and mission are totally autonomous and is not affiliated with any of his Guru and Acharya ( teacher) organisations /Institutions/ Ashram.
The Ashram conducts various courses on Yoga, meditation, Shaiva Agama Tantra, Kriya Yoga, Ayurveda and Vedanta.
Main Building
The main building has rooms on two floors with capacity of accommodating many guests and students. It includes a Yoga hall, a shrine and a library. This is also where meals are prepared and served.
Shiva Shrine
Shiva Puja is performed twice a day at the Shiva Shrine in front of the main building.
Regular Shiva Puja brings good dharana, Dhyana and attainment of Samadhi .
One has to approach with love , dedication and faithfully for long time.
Our Guruji doing regular Shiva Puja and you may join always at early morning
between 3am to 7am depends the weather conditions in Himalayas.
Panchagni Sadhana
The Ashram is where Guru Avadhutaji has established his Panchagni Sadhana, which is an abode of Lord Bhairav and Bhairavi as per Saiva Agama and reveal by Lord Shiva .This is where he performs Avadhuta Sadhana also could be known as Aghora Vidyas. This austerity practice is performed for the welfare of the whole humanity, for the world Peace and merge in Shiva Tattva, the highest Enlightenment.
During this period, the Sadhaka will be sitting every day between sun rise and sunset at the centre of four fire Kunda, with the sun as the fifth fire. Panchagni Vidya begins in Uttarayana and concludes at the beginning of Dakshinayana. Since very few perform this Sadhana in our days, it got Guruji some attention from the media.
This is a very advanced type of Sadhana from the Saiva Agama, only meant to be performed by Sanyasins who have no personal agenda. The Panchagni Sadhana brings an additional holiness to the Ashram. This Living Divine Presence balances the whole environment and nature around and blesses everyone who comes in contact with it.
Sri Vidya/Kali Temple /Kalari Temple
A new building is presently being constructed to
perform Sri Vidya Sadhana and Advance Sadhana bases on Ancient Tradition of Shaivism and Shaktism.
Kalari is an ancient name for a place where one learns and performs deep spiritual Sadhana.
Also we performed havan regularly for the World peace .
We dedicated this temple for the feminine and goddess shakti energy
Charity Hospital
Located at the entrance of the Ashram, Sri Swami Samarpan Shivananda Homeopathy Charitable Hospital was established by him to fulfill the dream of his Param Guru His Holiness Swami Shivanandaji Maharaj to serve to Sadhus, Poor and need ones.
Spiritual Leadership, International Relations and World Peace activities
He met Dr. Danilo Türk: (2007 – 2012 ) President of Slovenia at Ljubljana, during his European Spiritual tour on the 21st of June in 2008.
He met Honorable Michael Ashwin Satyandre Adhin Vice President of Republic of Suriname at Chicago, USA during his visit to World Hindu Congress on 9th September 2018 as a Guest Speaker.
In 2018 Guruji participated for the first time in the panel questions and answers session at the Parliament of World’s Religions in Toronto, Canada and was given two minutes to express his voice, he also met World Interfaith Religious leaders and discussed World Peace and how to avoid all kind of War on mother Earth. He participated for the first time in a digital citizenship event on 30th September 2019 at the United Nations, New York, organised by Ambassador of Italy, Finland, Bangladesh, and EU to the United Nations, New York.
In 2021 Guruji participated in the virtual meetings panel questions and answers sessions at the Parliament of World’s Religions in Chicago, USA and was given two minutes to express his voice, he also met World Interfaith Religious leaders and discussed World Peace and how to avoid all kind of War on mother Earth and Justice for all.
In 2023 Guruji participated in the panel questions and answers session at the Parliament of World’s Religions in Chicago, USA and was given two minutes to express his voice, he also met World Interfaith Religious leaders and discussed World Peace and how to avoid all kind of War on mother Earth and Justice for all.
Humanitarian Work
Guruji established Sri Swami Samarpan Shivananda Homeopathic Charity Hospital to
fulfil the dream
of his Parama Guru Swami Shivananda Saraswati to serve the Sadhus, the Poor and
the need ones.The Ashram also provides food, cloth and shelter for the sadhus , monks and poorest ones.
Vision for the future
In 2021, Guruji received a special Darshan and Enlightenment in Kamakhya Temple, Assam by the grace of the Parashakti Kamakhya Maa . After this event, he received the vision to propagate the science of Yoga, Vedanta , Saiva Agama Tantra and Sanyasa traditions in order to preserve the sacred culture of Sanatana Vedic Culture of India and welfare of the all beings.
Upcoming events
Yoga -Advait Vedanta Course on line and offline : 1st June to 25th June 2024/2025/2026
Vanaprastha Sanyasa /Karma Sanyasa Course online and offline course : 5th to 30th November/ 2024/2025/2026